2018 – Denim & Diamonds

VHA Playdate

Gifted to VHA Playdate
$ 0

The fifth annual Emajjin Children’s Foundation gala was held on October 14, 2018 in support of VHA Playdate. It was our most fervent hope that we would be able to raise enough funds for VHA Playdate to run two recreational sessions. Each session costs $22,000 to run. These costs include: Rent – the site must be safe and barrier free and Staff – Requires 12 personal support workers, 3 nurses, 1 occupational therapist and one volunteer to ensure the safety of all the children (Minimum ratio of staff to child is 1 to 5)

The outcomes and impact on the children and families are immeasurable. Perhaps for the first time, these very special members of our community are given the opportunity to have a friend. For the parents and care-givers, a much-needed break. Supporting loved ones with special needs is a – never any down time – herculean job.

Read more about VHA Playdate.

About The Charity

Most children take playing and having friends as a normal part of their growth and development. It’s so natural to watch youngsters trying to connect with others and see their joy when they have “a friend.” Someone to connect with outside the family. Friendships, time spent together, making memories through good times and bad, through special milestones, or just through quiet communication, being with someone who is on the same wavelength as you. These are perhaps some of the strongest memories that we carry with us through our lives.

So, what happens when this most basic of human needs is interrupted? When children with severe communication gaps cannot form friendships in the typical or expected manner? Who do they turn to for companionship? Who do they laugh and cry with?

Unfortunately, for many children with special needs, loneliness is a significant part of their life. The opportunity to form friendships is minimal at best, and even more remote is the possibility of maintaining a connection that they have made. For in all likelihood, logic and necessity would require that the caregivers of children with special needs, would choose their children’s connections, have a say in the frequency that their special needs children interacted with other children, as well as choose the location and activities that they be involved in.

For the parents the constant balancing act of time, energy, safety, location and the sheer grit required, to maintain recreational time for their loved ones is daunting.

Our recipient charity for 2018, VHA Playdate, is trying to fill this gap for families. Their mandate is to provide recreational programs for children with very high needs, all of whom have difficulties with communication, mobility, social skills, self-help skills and all of whom require ongoing support and supervision from others.

Emajjin Children’s Foundation is proud to support the endeavours of VHA Playdate and wish them many successes in the years to come.

Visit VHA Playdate’s website for more information.

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